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Later's analytic essentials

Anyone who uses Instagram—personally or professionally—understands building a beautiful, engaging and attractive profile takes a lot of work. And as the social network gets increasingly popular, so does the work involved to post content that stands out from the crowd. 

To be successful, you need to have the head space to create new content that's compelling. To help, Later's tool takes a lot of the legwork out of Instagram with content hosting and automatic post scheduling. But to really drive your social media forward, you need to get down with the data, which Later encourages here by highlighting its Analytics essentials.

Why this is really good UX:

  • Later makes the most of the psychological observation known as the Von Restorff effect, which is when multiple similar objects are present, the one that differs from the rest is most likely to be remembered. With the Analytics essentials tooltips visually distinctive, users intuitively perceive it as valuable information and, as a consequence, are more likely to recall it.
  • When the goal is specific, it is an effective strategy to limit the options available to ensure the user is guided down the correct path. Here, the user has no choice but to continue through the whole onboarding flow. This will frustrate a few, but the benefit of getting the material in front of as many eyes as possible outweighs the negatives of not having an exit button.
  • Because the user must complete the full flow to continue, Later keeps the content down to the essentials. Short copy and a minimalistic style keep the tooltips lightweight, consumable and tolerable.