Airtable’s NPS survey is to-the-point
There’s something refreshing about a company that tells it like it is. In Airtable’s NPS survey, there’s no origin story or long-winded message from the CEO. It’s just a 16-word sentence that outlines what they want, why they want it, and how long it’ll take you. Neat.
Below the survey pitch is the first NPS question: would you recommend Airtable? Once you click an answer, you’re taken to the rest of the survey—and even if you back out, you’ll already have a general idea of what the product is.

Airtable’s NPS survey conforms to user expectations: the format is familiar to most users, written in clear language, and should only take 60 seconds (like they promised). They’ve also included an N/A option, which some surveys forget to do. This way, users don’t skew the results when they're forced to randomly pick an answer when they genuinely have no insight to offer.
Why this is really good UX:
- Anything that makes surveys less of a burden for users is a win. Less text, easy navigation, and simple language make this an easy NPS to fill in.
- Airtable keeps its promise of limiting its survey to about 60 seconds. It might be tempting to promise one thing and then continue to ask questions, hoping that users will just finish the survey. However, that could damage your company’s reputation in your users' eyes.