Adobe Photoshop’s quick actions for creatives ft. Deepti Pradeep

Today we will be chatting with Deepti Pradeep, Product Manager at Adobe. We will be talking about all things Adobe. If you have ever used Adobe Photoshop or any of their products, you know how powerful they are. But with great power comes potential confusion. And in this episode, we will be breaking down the concepts behind this powerful software for you.

We’re going to dig into what Deepti is currently working on; some hands-on tutorials and quick actions in the model for their new users. Deepti also talks about their product, their wide range of customers, and how they champion their employees.

Quotes from this episode

One thing I've learned across the board is that people just like to explore. If you suggest it for them, it's less successful. If you point them to the right place for them to explore, they do a lot more from there.
Successful onboarding is about finding the balance between pointing users to the right sets of actions, but giving them the pleasure of exploration.

Show notes

[2:28] How do they define onboarding at Adobe?

[3:25] Does her team just focus on Creative Cloud?

[4:04] What is the success for users in terms of onboarding?

[6:14] How do they harmonize with other teams and learn from one another?

[11:52] What is the right time and the right place to collect intent and goals?

[15:25] Deepti talks about how they launch new models

[16:01] Deepti navigates the features of Adobe Photoshop

[19:07] Adobe Photoshop’s concept of "Quick-Actions"

[21:48] What are the things that challenged her expectations while working on Adobe?

About Deepti Pradeep

Deepti is passionate about visualizing and actioning on several levers of product and revenue growth and generating impact through outcome-driven experimentation across acquisition, activation, engagement, and retention. She works alongside Product, Marketing, Data Analytics, and Sales.

She currently leads product teams at Adobe (Creative Cloud) to drive product engagement and recurring revenue on desktop, web, and mobile platforms through the use of rapid experimentation.

🔗 Links:

Adobe's website

👉 Profiles:

Lyla on LinkedIn

Ramli on LinkedIn

Deepti Pradeep on LinkedIn

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