Reclaim’s hints for managing the workday
Do you like to completely disregard how much time you actually have in a day and make super ambitious to-do lists that you rarely finish? Yeah, us too.
Luckily, Reclaim is here to whip us and our embarrassingly long to-do lists into shape. As a smart calendar assistant, Reclaim juggles all of users’ to-do list items and automatically moves time around to find the next available “spot” for each task. Users can make time in the day for anything, from eating meals to catching up with work.
As events come up, Reclaim will adjust users’ schedules and reserve time for any task that needs to be completed.
Reclaim offers two different views: the user’s personal calendar with all the details and the view seen by others.
One of the most useful parts of the sign-up process is Reclaim’s suggested habits. It might not occur to users to block time for eating lunch or catching up. Reclaim teaches users how to get the most out of time-blocking by encouraging them to reserve time for different habits.
What makes this really good UX:
- During the sign-up process, the calendar is animated, showing how blocks of time are automatically moved around if something new hits the calendar. A new meeting added? No problem—the catch-up time can happen a bit later. It gives the user a glimpse of Reclaim in action.
- Users can block off time for important tasks and indicate that Reclaim should not automatically reschedule. In this case, these tasks are visible to others viewing the user’s calendar with details that say, “Reclaim defended this time because it's one of the last available slots in their day. Please find another time to meet.”
- By suggesting habits, Reclaim is helping users get a jump-start on the product functionality. People who are new to calendar-blocking may not think about scheduling for repetitive tasks that still take time out of the day. This helps users reach their “aha moment” sooner.